Symptoms associated with Irlen syndrome
Light sensitivity
- Problems with glare, fluorescent lights, sunlight and/or night driving.
- Difficulty and discomfort concentrating when working under bright or fluorescent lights.
Problems with contrast
- Difficulty reading from high gloss white paper,or a white board.
- The page may appear too bright and uncomfortable.
Problems with print
- Difficulty reading print, numbers or musical notation
- Problems may include print that shifts, shakes, moves, doubles, disappears and is difficult to perceive.
Restricted reading span
- Inability to read several words as a group.
- This makes it difficult to skim or speed read, creating problems with tracking and identifying words.
Lack of attention
- Difficulty in concentrating when reading, listening or doing school work.
- May take frequent breaks, look away, become restless, fidgety or tired.
Poor depth perception
- Clumsy and may have difficulty catching balls.
- Inability to judge distances accurately, especially when driving.
- Uncertain when using escalators, stairs or revolving doors.
Signs of stress and fatigue
- Headache, especially when undertaking visual tasks
- Fatique at the end of the day
- Performance deteriorates over time
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